What Is Medium Format Camera Used For And Where To Find Them?

What is a medium format camera ? What does it serve? And where to find the best ones? This blog will clear all your queries. Medium format cameras were introduced for consumer use way back in 1901. Later they were reintroduced with innovative digital single lens reflex technology in 2004 as the first ever digital medium format DSLR . Today, every photography and film videographer loves to indulge in the benefits they receive from medium format cameras. Keep reading to find out everything: What Are Medium Format Cameras? As its name implies, a medium format camera uses film as its medium for capturing images. Any camera format that utilizes a digital imaging sensor that mimics the film size is a medium format camera. Although the photos are slightly smaller than 102x127mm, they are still more prominent than those produced by full-frame sensors. Digital medium format cameras are now available in the market that has sensor size between two to six times more than full-frame dig...